Package & deals...
Score a deal and get more bang for your buck, or enjoy your stay with a little something extra.
Keep an eye on our ever-changing offers, which not only allow you to save but also offer some great experiences packaged up and ready to go.
Long stay
Staying longer than 14 nights? Reach out to our reservations team for a special quote on the den that suits you best.
Dream & dine
Munch your way through our menu before taking the elevator ʻhomeʼ for the night.
You sure do! If you are staying more than 14 nights, send your stay details to us at and we will get back to you with a special rate.
You get the best price guaranteed along with a drink on the house, and you will be the first to get a free upgrade when available.
This is certainly possible if you are relocating to the Netherlands and staying for longer than two weeks.
When you book on our official website, we guarantee that you get the lowest price out there!
We love surprises! You can find specials on our website during certain periods. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date and be the first to book when the perfect package for you pops up!
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