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our terms & conditions
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Terms & Conditions
Article 1: Definitions
Booking: the act or acts with which a Hotel Stay is reserved with Cityden Aparthotels.
Booking Confirmation: the confirmation with an overview of the Booking, which is sent to the Customer after the booking.
Booking Price: the total cost based on the Booking Confirmation.
Corporate Booking: A booking by a corporation pursuing its business, provided that such is made known to Cityden.
Cityden: Cityden B.V., Cityden Stadshart B.V., Cityden Zuidas B.V. or Cityden BoLo District B.V., depending on the (location of the) booking concerned.
Cityden B.V.: a private limited liability company
having its registered office in Amstelveen (the Netherlands) and having its
place of business at Stroombaan 6 (1181 VX) in Amstelveen, entered in the Trade
Register held by the Chamber of Commerce under number: 30283637.
Cityden Stadshart B.V.: a private limited liability company having its registered office in Amstelveen (the Netherlands) and having its place of business at Stroombaan 6 (1181 VX) in Amstelveen, entered in the Trade Register held by the Chamber of Commerce under number: 69815097.
Cityden Zuidas B.V.: a private limited liability company having its registered office in Amstelveen (the Netherlands) and having its place of business at Stroombaan 6 (1181 VX) in Amstelveen, entered in the Trade Register held by the Chamber of Commerce under number: 65240243.
Cityden BoLo District B.V.: a private limited
liability company having its registered office in Amstelveen (the Netherlands)
and having its place of business at Stroombaan 6 (1181 VX) in Amstelveen, entered in the Trade Register held bythe Chamber of Commerce under number: 74441809.
Cityden Hotel Apartments: Cityden Stadshart B.V., Cityden Zuidas B.V. or Cityden BoLoDistrict B.V. depending on the (location of the) booking concerned.
Cityden Serviced Apartments: Cityden B.V.,
Group Booking: Valid on reservations by Cityden BoLo District, Cityden Zuidas and Cityden Stadshart when one or more of the following rules apply: 8 or more Studios and/or Apartments per night, 16 or more people per night and/or booking value as off € 4.000,-.
Hotel Stay: every booking with a Cityden Aparthotels branch possessing a hotel licence.
Customer: the party making a Booking with Cityden Aparthotels.
Long-Term Booking: a Booking with Cityden Serviced Apartments for 20 nights/21 days or longer, or a booking with Cityden Hotel Apartments for 14 nights/15 days or longer.
Non-Refundable Booking: a booking with Cityden Aparthotels as described on the Website which can be cancelled only on the condition that the full Booking Price remains payable to Cityden Aparthotels.
No-Show: not making use of any stay offered to a Customer under a booking, without cancellation.
Fully Flexible Booking: a Booking (with a maximum of 14 nights) with Cityden Aparthotels as set out on the Website which can be cancelled on certain conditions without owing the full Booking Price.
Article 2: Scope
These general terms and conditions apply to all the existing and future legal relationships between Cityden Aparthotels and the Customer. By making a Booking, the Customer acknowledges that these general terms and conditions apply to that Booking.
Article 3: Bookings
By making a Booking, an agreement for a Hotel Stay and additional services is formed between the Customer and Cityden Aparthotels. The Booking Confirmation shall serve as proof of the existence and content of the Booking and of the Booking Price.
Bookings are subject to availability of the accommodation(s) concerned on the agreed date. If the accommodation concerned is not available because the accommodation is not ready, because the previous Customer has not timely left the accommodation or because there is any other situation causing the accommodation to be unavailable, including force majeure on the part of Cityden Aparthotels, the Booking will be suspended for a reasonable period of time – unless Cityden Aparthotels has another accommodation available – until the accommodation concerned becomes available. In such case Cityden Aparthotels shall not be obliged to pay any compensation to the Customer.
Cityden Aparthotels may move the Customer to a different, comparable accommodation of Cityden Aparthotels at any time during the Customer’s stay, without stating any reason.
All rates stated on the Website are exclusive of VAT and other taxes, are subject to variation and may be subject to a minimum period of stay. No rights can be derived from the rates and descriptions of the accommodation outside the Booking Confirmation.
Article 4: Check-in/-out and No-Show at Cityden Aparthotels
The minimum age requirement for check-in is 18 years. Guests under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised at all times by a responsible individual aged 18 or older. Our Aparthotels have a 24-hour reception. Check-ins are possible from 03:00 p.m. (GMT +1) onwards on the first day of the agreed period of stay. When checking in, the Customer will be provided with the key card, among other things. Check-out shall take place on the last day of the agreed period of stay prior to 11:00 a.m. (GMT +1). When checking out, the Customer must return the key card, among other things.
In case of a No-Show Cityden Aparthotels shall be entitled to deny the Customer use of the accommodation in order to allow third parties use of it, in which case the Booking Price shall remain payable by the Customer. In case of a No-Show on a Corporate Booking, not being a Non-Refundable Booking, the Customer will owe the Booking Price of the first following night only.
Article 5: Deposit
When the Customer checks in, an authorisation will be made on their credit card for the amount of the deposit agreed in the Booking. Cityden Aparthotels may collect the deposit at any time.
After the collection Cityden Aparthotels shall only be required to refund the deposit when after the period of stay it is satisfactorily proven that the Customer has complied with all obligations arising from the Booking and these general terms and conditions. Cityden Aparthotels may offset any outstanding claim against the Customer with the deposit. In case of a refund the Customer shall not be entitled to receive any interest or exchange rate differences.
Article 6: Obligations on the part of Cityden Aparthotels
Cityden Aparthotels is required to make available to the Customer the accommodation as set out in the Booking Confirmation during the agreed period of stay, except in the cases mentioned in article 3(2) in combination with 3(3) and article 4(2) in combination with article 5(2) or if the Customer fails to meet all or part of their obligations to Cityden Aparthotels pursuant to the Booking or these terms and conditions or in any other case of force majeure on the part of Cityden Aparthotels.
Article 7: Obligations on the part of the Customer
The Customer is required to timely move into the accommodation in agreement with article 4/article 5.
The Customer is required to use the accommodation in agreement with the Booking and these general terms and conditions during the agreed period of stay.
As per Dutch law, it is obligatory to verify your identity (via passport, ID card, or driver’s license) upon arrival for safety reasons. All related data safely stored and destructed in accordance with GDPR regulations.
The Customer is required to use the accommodation with due care. This in any event means that the Customer must:
keep the accommodation in a hygienic state, clean, safe and undamaged; immediately report any damage with an urgent nature (leaks, situations presenting a risk of fire, etc.) to Cityden Aparthotels, failing to do so will result in liability of the Customer for consequential damages.
In case of a Short Stay the Customer undertakes to stay in the accommodation during a minimum of 7 nights and a maximum of 13 nights. The Customer shall be liable for consequences of any deviating period of stay.
The Customer is required to leave the accommodation at the end of their period of stay in conformity with art. 4/art. 5, failing to do so will result in the Customer’s liability for any resulting damages.
Any belongings of the Customer left after the accommodation has been rendered shall be deemed to have been abandoned within the meaning of Section 5:18 of the Dutch Civil Code.
The Customer shall be liable for any removal cost.
The Customer may not make (minor) changes to the accommodation, such as placing nails, affixing stickers, etc.
The Customer is required to allow Cityden Aparthotels access to the accommodation in order to allow Cityden Aparthotels to check the state of the accommodation (for purposes including its future use) and/or to carry out repairs and/or to manage such repairs (for purposes including the continued compliance with fire safety requirements).
Cityden Aparthotels shall carry out any such repairs, if possible, on working days between 9:00 a.m. and 05:00 p.m. If the Customer leaves the accommodation (for a longer period of time), the Customer shall ensure that Cityden Aparthotels is able to enter the accommodation.
It is prohibited for the Customer to cause any nuisance to other Customers/third parties (which in any event includes playing a musical instrument and/or using (loud) audio media after 10:00 p.m. (GMT +1)).
The Customer may not keep domestic animals or smoke in the accommodation. The use and possession of drugs, including marihuana (also on the balconies and in the garden) is strictly prohibited and will result in a fine of € 250 per incident per day.
Upon violation the use of the accommodation will be denied to the Customer, in which case the Customer shall not be entitled to any compensation, Cityden Aparthotels shall retain its claims under the Booking and these general terms and conditions and the Customer shall compensate Cityden Aparthotels for the damage suffered by Cityden Aparthotels as a result of such violation.
The Customer undertakes to deregister from the Dutch Basic Registration of Persons at the end of their stay.
The Customer agrees to the recording and/or storage of camera images for safety purposes in the general areas of Cityden.
The Customer may not allow one or more third parties to stay the night in the accommodation, except with Cityden’s Aparthotels (written) consent.
The Customer must be the holder of the credit card on the Booking and must present the credit card to Cityden for verification purposes, failure to do so may cause Cityden to refuse access to the accommodation until sufficient security for payment is offered, without the Customer being entitled to a refund of the Booking Price. If the rightful owner cannot be present at check-in, timely notification must be given to the relevant Cityden location.
Article 8: Cancellation at Cityden Aparthotels
A Booking with Cityden Aparthotels can only be cancelled by the Customer by e-mail to and under the following conditions:
in case of cancellation of a Non-Refundable Booking the Customer shall owe 100% of the Booking Price to Cityden Aparthotels;
In case of cancellation up to 48 hours before the start of the stay (based on check-in time 3 p.m.) of a Fully Flexible Booking which is not a Group Booking or a Long-Stay Booking, the Customer shall not owe any cancellation fee to Cityden Aparthotels. In case of cancellation within 48 hours before the start of the stay (based on check-in time 3 p.m.), 100% of the Booking Price shall be payable to Cityden Aparthotels.
in case of cancellation of a Fully Flexible Booking which is also a Group Booking, different Terms & Conditions will apply and those are mentioned and agreed in the signed groups contract;
In case of cancellation up to 7 days before the start of the stay of a Fully Flexible Booking which is also a Long-Stay Booking, the Customer shall not owe Cityden Aparthotels any cancellation fee. In case of cancellation within 7 days before the start of the stay, 100% of the Booking Price for the first 7 nights shall be payable to Cityden Aparthotels. In case of early departure, the Customer is entitled to cancel the remaining period of the agreed stay, provided that the Customer takes into account a term of 7 days notice. This only applies for bookings who are made directly via Cityden Aparthotels ( website, Reservations Department or Front Office) and not for bookings via third parties e.g.,, AirBnB etc.;
in case of cancellation up to 24 hours before the start of the stay before 18:00 of a Fully Flexible Booking which is also a direct (meaning website, Reservations Department or Front Office) Corporate Booking (only applies when there is a signed contract between both parties), the Customer shall not owe any cancellation fee to Cityden Aparthotels. In case of cancelation within 24 hours before the start of the stay, only the Booking Price for the first following night shall be payable to Cityden Aparthotels. In case of early departure, the Customer is entitled to cancel the remaining period of the agreed stay, provided that the Customer takes into account a term of 1 day’s notice;
Any of the Cityden Aparthotels locations shall be entitled to cancel the Booking if false or misleading personal data are provided, in which case 100% of the Booking Price shall remain payable by the Customer.
Article 9: Payment
All payments to Cityden Aparthotels shall be made by bank or by credit card in euros and, furthermore, subject to the following conditions:
In case of a Non-Refundable Booking Cityden Aparthotels may charge the Customer’s credit card and collect the Booking Price at any time;
In case of a Fully Flexible Booking, Cityden Aparthotels may charge the Customer’s credit card at any time. Cityden Aparthotels may subsequently collect the Booking Price if the Booking can no longer be cancelled free of charge by the Customer.
Article 10: House rules
During the stay the Customer is required to comply with Cityden’s Aparthotels house rules, which will be made available on arrival and can be found in the Hotel Directory in the room.
Article 11: Transferability
It shall be prohibited for the Customer to transfer the Booking (or rights and obligations arising from it) to a third party (including an assignment and the creation of a right of pledge) or to allow third parties to use the accommodation otherwise, including sub-letting.
By making a Booking the Customer grants Cityden Aparthotels unconditional and irrevocable permission to allow a third party to take the place of Cityden Aparthotels in the Booking applicable to Cityden Aparthotels and the Customer.
Article 12: Liability
Cityden shall be liable to the Customer only to the extent that this liability is covered under Cityden’s Aparthotels insurance. In no event will Cityden Aparthotels be liable for:
damage to the Customer’s belongings caused by theft, damage, destruction, burglary or otherwise. The Customer himself must arrange for adequate insurance for all these events;
personal injury suffered by the Customer;
damage caused by spam, viruses, spyware and/or any other malware that can be distributed via the electronic channels/facilities used and made available by Cityden Aparthotels;
the incorrect statement of rates and/or descriptions of the accommodations outside the Booking Confirmation; a delay of the Booking as set out in article 3(2).
Article 13: Dissolution
Cityden Aparthotels shall be entitled to dissolve the agreement with the Customer and to revoke the Booking, regardless of whether the agreement has already been wholly or partly performed, without any prior notice, in case of:
bankruptcy, seriously diminished creditworthiness or the death of the Customer or the appointment of an administrator for the Customer;
the Customer’s failure to perform any obligation arising from the agreement or Cityden’s Aparthotels house rules;
the discontinuation of the use of the accommodation by the Customer;
the provision of false or misleading personal data by or on behalf of the Customer.
If the Booking is revoked on one of the above-mentioned grounds, Cityden Aparthotels shall not be required to pay any compensation and the total Booking Price shall remain payable to Cityden Aparthotels by the Customer.
Article 14: Penalty clause
In case of the Customer’s failure to meet any obligation under the agreement with Cityden Aparthotels, the Customer shall forfeit a penalty of €250 per incident per day for every day such non-performance continues, which penalty may be offset against the deposit.
Article 15: Registration
By making a Booking the Customer grants Cityden unconditional and irrevocable permission to arrange for their deregistration from the Dutch Basic Registration of Persons at the end of his stay.
Article 16: Choice of forum, applicable law
Any disputes that may arise shall be exclusively governed by the District Court of Amsterdam. The legal relationship between Cityden Aparthotels and the Customer shall be exclusively governed by Dutch law.
Article 17: Booking Confirmation and Communication Consent
By making a booking with Cityden Aparthotels, the guest acknowledges and agrees to the following terms and conditions related to email communication.
Consent to Receive Emails: The guest acknowledges and gives their explicit consent to receive emails from Cityden Aparthotels for the purpose of communication and information related to the booking, stay, and other hotel-related matters. These emails may include, but are not limited to, booking confirmations, updates, reminders, special offers, promotions, feedback requests, and other relevant information.
Scope of Emails: The emails sent by Cityden Aparthotels may contain information pertaining to the guest’s booking, reservation details, check-in and check-out procedures, amenities, services, facilities, policies, local attractions, events, and any other information that may be deemed relevant to the guest’s stay.
Communication Channels: Cityden Aparthotels may use the email address provided by the guest during the booking process or any other email address provided by the guest subsequently for the purpose of communication. The guest is responsible for providing a valid and accessible email address. Cityden Aparthotels shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from the guest’s failure to provide an accurate or accessible email address.
Opting Out: The guest has the right to unsubscribe or opt out of receiving promotional and marketing emails from Cityden Aparthotels at any time by following the instructions provided within the email or by contacting Cityden Aparthotels directly. However, the guest acknowledges that opting out may result in missing important updates and information related to their booking and stay.
Confidentiality and Third-Party Disclosure: Cityden Aparthotels respects the privacy of its guests and ensures that any personal information shared via email will be treated in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations. Cityden Aparthotels will not disclose or sell guest information to third parties without the guest’s explicit consent, except as required by law or as necessary for the provision of hotel services.
Email Security: While Cityden Aparthotels takes reasonable measures to ensure the security of its email communications, the guest acknowledges that email is not a completely secure method of communication. The guest agrees to assume any risks associated with the transmission of personal or sensitive information via email and releases Cityden Aparthotels from any liability arising from such transmission.
Modifications to Communication Consent: Cityden Aparthotels reserves the right to modify or update this communication consent agreement at any time. The updated agreement will be effective upon posting on Cityden Aparthotels website or other appropriate means of communication. Continued use of Cityden Aparthotels services after any modifications constitutes the guest’s acceptance of the revised terms.
Article 18: Representation Disclaimer
Cityden Aparthotels endeavors to provide accurate depictions of room/apartment types on its official website and third-party platforms. It is important for guests to understand that the images, floorplans, and descriptions are purely illustrative. They serve as a general representation and are not intended to confer any specific rights to guests. No rights can be derived from these representations.
Article 19: Prohibition of Sex Trafficking
Cityden Aparthotels strictly prohibits any form of sex trafficking within its premises. Should any instances of sex trafficking be discovered, they will be promptly reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. We are committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment for all our guests and will take decisive action against any individuals involved in such illegal activities.
By making a booking with Cityden Aparthotels, the guest affirms that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this Booking Confirmation and Communication Consent. Cityden Hotel Apartments: Cityden Stadshart B.V., Cityden Zuidas B.V. or Cityden BoLo
District B.V. depending on the (location of the) booking concerned.

Cityden Stadshart
Modern art, fashion, culture and catering are all ready for the taking from our offbeat hotel. Or, for guests who prefer something green, they can escape the city to the nearby Amsterdam forest.

Cityden BoLo District
The hip and happening BoLo neighbourhood is the up-and-coming district of Amsterdam. There is always something new to explore.

Cityden Zuidas
Placed in the south of Amsterdam, you are at the Zuidas business district within minutes of leaving our front door.

Cityden Museumkwartier
Culture vultures will be in their element in this historic district, but there is also plenty for the fashionistas and foodies.
Our locations
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